10 new year resolutions for inbetweeners

10 New Year Resolutions for Inbetweeners

I consider myself an “inbetweener”.  In between young and old.  You’re an inbetweener too if you’re between being a youth and old age.   Here are 10 New Year resolutions for inbetweeners.  A short list of achievable (and mostly common sense) resolutions for those in between young and old that you should do this year for a happier and healthier 2020. 

1. Use Sunscreen Every Single Day

If you are only applying sunscreen in the summer you need to up your SPF game.  Apply that stuff year round.  We all know someone our age who has had skin cancer removed.  Put it on now.  

2. Make your coffee at home

People spend more money on their fancy coffee than with saving money or investing.  At our age, putting money aside for retirement is as important as ever before.  Treat yourself to that fancy coffee once in a while but save the Benjamin’s and make it at home regularly.  Save the difference.  A comfortable retirement is way more important than a caramel mocha macchiato 5 times a week.

3. Eat more fruit and veggies

If you can’t remember the last time you ate a green veggie or snacked on an apple or a handful of grapes than this is a resolution you need to have this year.  We are middle age people.  Stop eating like your college aged kids.  

4. Drink more water

Drink more water.  Sure, you need to stay hydrated but more because it helps with sleeping better. You will feel more energized and it encourages weight loss. 

5. Travel abroad

Why have a passport if it’s going to sit in your home safe getting dusty?  Put some stamps in that bad boy this year!

6. Use the stairs more

Use the stairs more.  If it’s between going up the escalator/elevator or stairs for one or two floors c’mon!!  Use those stairs and get in those steps!  It’s a super small choice to make and even a little exercise is better than not getting any.  Get in those steps and walk the flight of stairs.  

7. Learn a new skill

Many of us inbetweeners are empty nesters.  This is a great time to pick up a new hobby like photography, cooking, pottery, learning a 2nd language or playing an instrument.  Will be great for your cognitive health by challenging yourself mentally.  Also a great mental boost for accomplishing something that will give you some bragging rights.

8. Stop putting off well-being Dr. visits

 Haven’t gotten your teeth cleaned in the last 6 months or had that mammogram?  Stop avoiding it and make this the year to take care of yourself. Pick up the phone and make those appointments.

9. Declutter something

It’s time the mystery storage bins in the attic need to be gone through.  At our age, we’ve accumulated a lot of junk.  Start small with a closet and get rid of those old tattered jeans and sweatshirts taking up space.

10. Stop thinking of yourself as old

If you’re over 40 and think you are old it’s all in your head.  Sure, you are getting older, but you are not getting OLD.  Tell yourself that and live by it.