It’s easy to get overwhelmed around the holiday season. There’s shopping, cooking, cleaning, decorating, gathering and more shopping. You’re gonna shop cuz people need their stuff. You’re gonna cook, cuz people need to eat and you’re gonna clean cuz you’re not a slob. So don’t let your decorating be sacrificed for your other priorities this holiday season. Here are a couple holiday decorating tips for the holiday season.
1. Decorate your low use areas over the top
I can count on one hand how many times we have sat at and used our dining room table since we lived in this house. With that being the case, it’s the perfect landscape for over the top decorating for the holidays. This year I put together an outdoor Michigan themed table scape over the entire length of the table.

2. Decorate your high use areas minimally
On the flip side, the island in our kitchen and the breakfast nook table are used daily. In that case, decorate high use areas minimally to allow easy removal of decor when needing the space regularly.

3. Decorate only key areas of home
You don’t need to decorate every nook and cranny of your home to make an impact. Choose 4-5 key areas in your home to concentrate on. Choose areas that are the most visible when company is over. For instance, the entryway, kitchen, around the fireplace or main sitting area and guest bathroom.

4. Decorate by theme
Whether it be a color theme or a holiday theme. Try to pull your decorations together based on continuity of their design, color or style. Our dining room has the outdoor theme table scape so the tree next to it will be decorated with a similar feel with burlap ribbon. Handmade ornaments the kids made through the years and simple white lights. Our fireplace has a nutcracker theme and the entryway has a gold “sparkle” theme.