I’ve diagnosed myself with ADHDIY Disorder aka Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Do It Yourself Disorder. Here we are in the honeymoon phase of buying our getaway country house that needs a complete remodel and yesterday I had a contractor come to our city house in Louisville to give us a quote on re-doing the hardwood floors. Yes, I’m going down that rabbit hole again.
Last year I started a DIY by clearing out every single piece of furniture and decor on the main floor to update the horrible orange hardwood floors myself. After about a week into the project I realized I was in WAY over my head. So I walked away from it, put all the furniture back and pretended it never happened. However, the floors are still orange and in even worse shape than before. Fast forward to yesterday when I decided to get a quote to have the floors professionally sanded and re-stained. In itself that sounds like a sound plan considering someone else is coming in to do the work. HOWEVER, I have committed to clearing out the entire floor (again) and remove every stitch of furniture and decor from the main floor AND will have workers in our home for over a week AND be uprooted to living out of the basement. This to run concurrently with starting major renovation on the mountain house tomorrow! Oh boy. The scary thing is this should overwhelm and/or scare me but instead I’m super excited about it all. I think I’m just hardwired to be happiest in DIY chaos. Hence my self diagnosis as ADHDIYD. That just sounds a whole lot better than saying I’m bat sh!t crazy!

Life is good. I’ve got DIY coming at me from every different direction and who knows, maybe tomorrow I’ll wake up and decide to add an addition to the house! J/K… I know my limits!