Have a home gym but not sure what exercises or workouts to do? I was in the same boat after I finished a DIY Home Gym update. See the full blog on the new home gym HERE. With kettle bells, stability balls, barbells, dumbbells and suspension systems the gym is complete. However, knowing exactly what to do with the equipment was lacking until I purchased the QuickFit exercise workout posters. These posters are a home gym MUST and so cool. The 10-pack poster set shows all the exercises (with pictures)! This opens a whole combination of different exercises with different components. No excuse for what to do or how to do it! The posters are titled: Body Weight Volume 1&2, Dumbbell, Suspension, Kettle bell, Resistance Bands, Stretching, Barbell, Yoga Poses, Exercise Ball. No more wandering around the space aimlessly trying to figure out what to do with the kettle ball or dumbbells. Grab a poster and go!
The trick was coming up with a way to display the posters that make them easily accessible. They are rather large (18×27). They come in paper for $19.95 or laminated for $29.95. I purchased the laminated set (well worth the extra $10). At first, I considered framing them and hanging on different areas of the gym. However, this would not allow the versatility to move them around if needed. Therefore, I came up with this easy $30 DIY EXERCISE POSTER DISPLAY idea.