I know, I know…it’s 80 degrees and sunny outside but now is the time to start thinking about fall and holiday decor. Especially if you want some great deals. The deals don’t get much better than being able to grab some wonderful fall home decor pieces at the dollar store. Sorry to burst your summer bubble but right now is the time to shop for fall decor. Check out my dollar store fall haul this week!

Whether you are some one who puts together elaborate tablescapes for the holiday (guilty) or someone who just throws out some plates and a few candles and calls it a day, you must grab some of these dollar store chargers. A charger plate (also called a server plate) is a large plate used to set a table to dress up the table setting and table itself. They are one of the best foundations pieces to any tablescape. I have chargers in many colors, textures and designs. However, none of them cost only $1! I grabbed three sets of 8 plate chargers at the dollar store this week. All for only $1 each! Check out how I used the gold hobnail charger plates in a bourbon theme tablescape I put together this week HERE!

Dollar stores are a great source of table decor filler pieces. At the price point you will find a lot of small pieces that work great for filler on tables, mantles and shelves. For instance, I found these really cute porcelain pumpkins that were also available in neutral colors. Great for working into any decor, style or color pallett you design around. Filler pieces are always needed to fill gaps and voided areas and these dollar store finds do the job perfectly!

I saved the best of my dollar store fall haul finds for last. I was so excited to come across these white ceramic houses for $1 each! They can be illuminated from within and are going to look so cute on my fireplace mantle. They may even stay up all year! The reason I am SO excited about this dollar store find is because I ALMOST bought a near duplicate set of these houses the day before for WAY (way) more money. There is a similar illuminated porcelain house set by Lauren McBride for QVC and two of these house sets were in my online shopping cart when I found these near dupes at the dollar store! Did I mention the QVC houses cost $33 for one set?! I purchased two sets of these white houses at the dollar store for $6 instead of $60!! WHAT A DEAL!

Even though it’s still summer, it is the time to start thinking about fall decor. I already ordered some new stockings for Christmas this year and some tartan decor for the holidays. So it really is not too early at all to think about fall decor. Today, I wanted to share some of my great dollar store fall haul items because they are all available now and won’t be in stock for long!