Since turning 50 this year I’ve realized my skin care routine has changed.  In most cases, your face at 40 starts showing fine lines and wrinkles and elasticity isn’t what it once was.  Mine included.  I’ve always drank lots of water, cleansed by face nightly and worn facial moisturizers but as I’ve gotten older my mature skin definitely has different needs.  Notably, there are a few new routines that have become important for my mature face.   Anyone over 40 should take note and follow these four tips to look younger now.  

1. Spend more time and money on your skin care routine than your makeup routine

In my 20 & 30’s I spent way more money and time on makeup than skin care.  For anyone over 40 that needs to be reversed.  At 50 I now realize that I can get a fresh face using makeup that is fairly inexpensive because it’s the canvas not the paint that matters!  Therefore, over 40?  Time to see a Dermatologist for prescription grade skin care products.  Spend the money.  It will be worth it because those wrinkles are only get grow in number and depth.  Prescription retinol, collagen replacement, vitamin C are all at the top of my must have list.  

2. Wear SPF on your face every. single. day

This carries over from skin care must-do in your twenties, thirties and beyond.  Wear an SPF on your face every day.  No exceptions.  There are many make up options that now have an SPF built into them.  If you don’t wear makeup every day (like me) get a tinted moisturizer (I use this one by Bare Minerals  HERE) and make sure SPF is on your face before you leave the house no matter what!

3. Lighting is everything.  Learn basic make up highlighting and lowlighting techniques

Natural light, ring light, high light and low light.  They all are important and helpful for mature skin having a younger, youthful glow.  Learn a few easy make up tips (check out my 5 min makeup routine that incorporates easy high and low lighting HERE).  Use light to your advantage like never before on mature skin by illuminating the areas you want focus on and hiding the areas you don’t.  Over 40, use lighting any way possible!  

4. Stop using beauty face filters.  You are not fooling anyone whether you are 25 or 45

I’ve made it no secret how much I HATE face altering “beauty” filters.  Even more egregious are the “influencers” who use face filters when they are “selling” you on their skin care and make up products from behind a beauty filter!  That is fraud, plain & simple.  Don’t be fooled.  In my opinion, the fake beauty filters make 99.9% of the people using them look absolutely ridiculous and when I see one I put the person behind the beauty filter into one of three categories.  They are a fraudster/liar, a poser/faker or lack confidence/conceited.   For anyone 40 and above, beauty is in the confidence of knowing you don’t need a filter and owning your natural state because after all, you’ve earned every single one of those small laugh lines and wrinkles.