Where it started
Hayden always knew he wanted to play basketball. So when it came time for choosing a college he looked for smaller Division III schools where he could achieve his academic and basketball dreams and found it at Sewanee: University of the South. A private liberal arts college in Sewanee, Tennessee. The campus is set in a small rural town and is one of the most beautiful campus’s I’ve visited with its historical ornate buildings, intricate stone architecture, stained glass chapel and manicured grounds all on a picturesque mountain top. It’s crazy to think how fast the four years he has been at Sewanee have flown but here we are watching another one of our 4 kiddos graduate from college. This time we get to celebrate Hayden, our 2nd oldest son who graduated this spring with a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology. Go Hayden!

Dorm Life
At Sewanee almost 100% of the students live on campus all four years in dorms. As a Senior privilege he finally got his own dormitory. During Hayden’s four years on campus he lived in Courts Hall, Cannon Hall, McCrady Hall and Elliott Hall in that order.

Hayden was on the men’s basketball team his four years at Sewanee. Unfortunately, due to COVID we missed out on watching him play ball his Senior year. However, we have been able to close out this chapter of his life as a student athlete with so many great memories. One of them happening in 2019 when the Sewanee’s basketball team won their first Southern Athletic Association conference championship since 1997! A great article about that big tournament win HERE. Hayden earned a championship ring and memories with friends that will last a lifetime. We know many more great things are in store for Hayden on the basketball court. HINT: keep reading for a look at what what is coming for Hayden in the next chapter of his life after graduation!

Order of the Gown
So picture this: a very old and historic campus sitting on top of a mountain that looks like its a set straight out of a Harry Potter movie. Then you see students walking around campus donning long black robes. Yup, it’s def Harry Potter without the flying brooms and quidditch tournament. But it isn’t…not even close. What it actually is, is a tradition that dates back to 1873 (yes, the school is that old) . There is no other custom at Sewanee that is taken more seriously than the wearing of the gown by students and faculty. This custom demonstrates that the wearer of the gown are students who have earned the right and privilege to be inducted into the Order of the Gown. An honor given to only those students who have earned academic distinction. More about the gowning tradition HERE.

Graduation Weekend
May 19-22 Rick, Libby and I made the trip to Sewanee to celebrate with Hayden for his graduation weekend. The tickets were limited so grandparents and step-sisters didn’t make the cut to go (sorry guys!) The basketball team and school hosted celebrations throughout the weekend with the actual graduation being held on the football field for what turned out to be a beautiful (albeit hot) spring day. Watch the video below of Hayden’s walk across stage. Before you ask, another Sewanee tradition is they all wear robes unzipped.

What's Next?
In the same way that Hayden knew he wanted to play basketball in college. Hayden also knows that he wants to be a college basketball coach for a career. We are so excited to be able to share that Hayden recently accepted a Graduate Assistant position with the Kennesaw State Basketball organization and will be a student coach while continuing his education in their Master’s program. Hayden will be moving to the Atlanta area in August. Rick and I are preparing to transition all our spirit wear from purple to black and gold in support of Hayden and his future endeavors with KSU! We are SO excited for Hayden and all his future opportunities! Hopefully I’ll get a picture of Hayden in some KSU spirit wear soon (he is currently on campus for his orientation as I type this!)