As an inbetweener (in between young and old), there are do’s and don’ts to what styles are and are not appropriate. The Do’s are the looks for inbetweeners that are age appropriate and are sophisticated, classy, cultured and give an over-all put together look for the wearer. The Don’ts are looks that make an inbetweener appear juvenile, flashy, gaudy and tacky which makes the wearer look unpolished, rough and unrefined. Here are seven inbetweener style don’ts. Styles and looks to stay away from to avoid looking immature.
Inbetweener Style Don'ts
Anything bedazzled
I’m a believer that any garment that is bedazzled needs to be put in the “no fly zone”. The most common no-no style for an inbetweener is the blinged out jeans back pocket. If you are over 30 (or 13) and have any of these then please donate them NOW. Leave the rhinestones, gemstone encrusted anything for the dance and pageant queen costumes.

Belly showing tops (tube tops & half tops)
I don’t care if you are a size 2 or 20. If you are an inbetweener, put that shiz away. You look ridiculous. I’m in the camp that this look is inappropriate for just about everyone. How does anyone think that squeezing the upper half of their body in an unsupported, thin, stretchy spandex piece of cheap fabric look attractive, sophisticated or classy?

Daisy Dukes
Seriously, unless you’re Jessica Simpson circa 2005 you should never wear short shorts. I’m not sure an inbetweener should even wear shorts period. ESPECIALLY not ones that have your booty hanging out. I don’t care if you have a lifetime membership to Pure Barre and you’re a bad ass with a great ass. No inbetweener’s closet should have daisy duke short shorts in it.

Like daisy dukes, inbetweeners need to purge mini dress and skirts from their wardrobes. Wearing a dress or skirt that is above the knee at our age is juvenile and quite inappropriate. A hip hugging pencil skirt that hits at the knee or just below the knee is WAY more flattering and sexier for inbetweeners.

Platform flip flops
I understand. You may have these because they make you appear taller. However, they also make you appear completely unsophisticated. Get the height out of an age appropriate pair of wedge sandals instead.

Cheap bras
C’mon! The girls deserve better! Get proper fitting undergarments. Don’t cheap out on poorly constructed bras that don’t support or flatten you out. Also, please get rid of the old and ratty out of shape bras. Give the girls the support and quality material they deserve.

Hair Accessories
Ugh. This one hurts me to put out here because I’ve been known to rock a hair bow or headband once or twice (or weekly) and I’m as “inbetweener” as they come. Hair bows and headbands are both OK inbetweener accessories (occasionally). However, stay completely away from banana clips, flowery, frilly and quirky hair pieces or barrettes. These are much better suited for the younger kiddos, not us inbetweeners. Instead get a great hair cut and style that doesn’t require these accessories.