An easy holiday season staple accessory is the tartan scarf. It adds a pop of color to any outfit and looks equally fab on both men and women. Tartan plaid comes in hundreds of color options too so whether you like to coordinate or contrast your layers there are many options to choose from. Tartan scarf style can be worn smart or casual from fall all the way through winter. Tartan scarves are especially festive during the holiday season. Here are some of my faves. If you like (or like me LOVE) tartan plaid then follow on Instagram for my #20daysoftartan that began on December 1st! :
Oversized blanket scarf tartan wrap shawl. Comes in several plaid color options. They all are great. My cousin just sent me this one and I’m obsessed with it. Goes with practically every coat in my closet.
J Crew Factory’s classic plaid scarves are winners year after year. Available in four colors. My fave is this one but the others below are pretty darn nice too.
For a little something extra go for one of these cape-scarfs also from J Crew Factory. It has pockets!! LOVE
The J Crew Factory plaid holiday scarf in royal tartan is a great uni-sex option. This is a must for holiday pics!
The next four scarfs are from J Crew. A little higher price point than the (acrylic) Factory scarves. The J Crew plaid tartan scarves are nicer quality made from wool (really soft and not itchy at all). These can also be monogrammed for $10. What a great holiday gift! Order now to get it in time for Christmas. This one is the red and black multi plaid tartan
Love this rich color and it’s cashmere! Great price for a quality scarf. No wonder it’s a best seller on Amazon.