There are 1000 things needing to be done in renovating the mountain house. Can you guess what my priority is? Yup, toilets first. We have plans to meet the contractor Sunday to begin updating but I just couldn’t wait. Before anything can be discussed, planned or demo’d in that house there’s just one thing that must be taken care of first. Cleaning the toilets. Our mountain house sat vacant for almost 9 months and between the rust stains, hard water stains and (god knows what) stains they needed to be addressed immediately! Honestly, my first thought was taking a match and torching the entire room but instead I called in the biggest clean freak I know…my mom (I get it honestly). So off we went to the Gorge today to clean toilets. Within 30 minutes my mom had those toilets looking like new plus new toilet seats! Even though the entire bathroom will eventually be gutted the toilets are user friendly until that day comes. Now on to the next 999 projects.