Life over 40. We’ve got routines, are established and have none of that 20 something angst and anxiety about what the future holds. Life is good. Except for our face and skin at age 40. It’s when we begin seeing those first signs of fine lines and wrinkles around our lips, forehead and eyes. Here are a few easy ways to step up your beauty routine when you’re looking in the mirror at a face over 40.
When over 40 we can no longer expect makeup to do the heavy lifting. If your face isn’t hydrated, your makeup will absorb into creases and fine lines. Use a moisturizer geared for mature skin and allow time for the product to absorb.
Nothing harsh. Start with over the counter at home exfoliation and peel treatments. By removing top layer of skin through the exfoliation/peel process, it allows the newer and healthier skin below to be exposed.
Change it up seasonally
Wearing the same eye shadow or lip color since college? If you haven’t changed your pallet or lipstick color in the past 10 years, it’s probably aging you. We don’t wear our summer clothes in the winter so why wear the bronzer and summer shadow pallet in the winter? Change doesn’t have to be big. Try playing around with navy, brown or black eyeliner or a mocha lip instead of pink. FYI – Jenna just bought the new Urban Decay Naked eye shadow pallet and its colors are amazing. Perfect for fall and winter (a great Christmas gift idea)!
Curl your lashes
This is a must! It’s easy and takes barely any time added to your routine. The result is a wide-eyed, awake and energetic look. I’ve been curling my lashes since my 20’s and hands down this is the best eye lash curler I’ve ever used.
Eye Care
Concealer is a band aid. Over 40, you must treat the eye area with active ingredient products to treat those fine lines and wrinkles. Spend the money and get the products that friends recommend that work.
Yes. Hair. Hair styling is a great over 40 makeup tip. A great cut, color, style or blowout has twice the punch of what makeup can do. Styling hair before putting on makeup will ease the makeup process and make your makeup application look better. I spend 5-8 min on my entire makeup routine and three times that amount of time on my hair.
Face over 40? Make sure you step up your beauty routine with some of these easy to follow tips.