Birth of a blog
I floated the idea of starting my own website and blog to one of the kids a couple months ago. The response I received after a brief look of confusion was “well mom, if a dog can have a blog, so can you!” Thank you Disney’s Dog with a Blog circa 2012-2015. After my guttural laugh subsided from the backhanded boost of confidence, I decided to go for it. I’m going to give birth to a blog!
I follow several Bloggers online and on Instagram. I enjoy reading content about their normal everyday lives. What they wear, how they decorate their homes and what destinations they travel to. I’m partial to the life style blogs that are home spun. It’s refreshing and gratifying to see how normal people do “life”. Home Bloggers don’t usually have the professional photo editing, fabricating and filtering that magazines and TV put in front of you and call “normal”. I do not miss the scripted “reality” and “paid for ” opinions of performers on TV. Blogging provides a forum to share non-scripted everyday authenticity of regular people to other regular people with their take on what’s happening in their real life world.
Blogging is the new real reality.
Exactly the vibe I’m hoping to achieve with my own blog. A non-pretentious space. A place to pass on and share knowledge, experiences and information on middle age life in middle America. With a focus on family, fashion, style, home and travel. Who better to share the lessons, research, successes and failures of reaching this stage of life than the one who has lived through them? Hence, my little blog (idea) was born.
Maybe you’ll find nothing valuable here. In that case, click and move on, there are over 600 million blogs to choose from. You’ll stick the landing somewhere. However, if my little piece of 600 million provides a few nuggets of information that you find useful, entertaining or helpful, I’m happy you stopped by to take a look at my newborn baby blog about life, death and everything in between.

Yeah! Congratulations!
Thanks Jeanne!