Woke up this morning with a craving for pancakes and syrup. Both a big NO NO on a low carb and keto diet. Or is it? A couple weeks ago I saw KETO friendly pancake mix at Costco and picked it up. However, you can’t have pancakes without syrup! Since syrup is mostly sugar (a really big NO NO on keto) it took some tweaking to find a syrup recipe that was easy, tasty that also had the same gooey syrup consistency. Before you read any further, let me preface any blog on cooking or recipes that I am NOT a kitchen person (I’m the person that wants to decorate the kitchen, not cook in one). As a non-cook I look for super easy recipes with few ingredients and minimal prep time that also tastes good. For some of my other keto (easy and yummy) recipes you can check those out HERE. It so happens that for a non-cook, I’m also picky so If I’m sharing it on the blog you know it’s gonna be easy and pretty tasty from a keto/low carb perspective. That’s the case with this mornings keto pancakes and homemade syrup.

Keto syrup recipe
- 2 cup water (divided in 1/4 cup and 1 3/4 cup)
- 1 tsp xanthan gum (I use this one found in Kroger baking isle)
- 2/3 cup Swerve brown sugar (also in Kroger baking isle)
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 1 tbsp maple extract
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- In a small bowl whisk together 1/4 cup water and xanthan gum. Let sit until thickens
- In a saucepan add rest of water, sale and brown sugar. Heat on low until simmers. Once simmering, remove from heat
- Add xanthan gum mixture and which into the warm liquid. Add the flavor extracts until combined. Let syrup cool.
- Enjoy!

My review
If original homemade regular pancakes and grocery store syrup is a 10, then I’d give both a 10 out of 10 for appearance. You wouldn’t know either is low carb by looking at it. However, the pancakes from the mix gets a 6 out of 10 for taste. A little bland. If I make them again I’m going to add some vanilla extract and maybe some Swerve confectioners sugar to give it a little oomph. As I mentioned, I made them exactly to the instructions on the bag. I think they cold be amped up to an 8 out of 10 with a few tweaks. However, the low carb homemade syrup is a 9 out of 10. Really really good. Overall, really pleased with the entire meal. Just having a plate of pancakes smothered in warm syrup in front of me was a treat in itself. Even more so that I didn’t have the guilt or the carb bloat afterwards!