Our little blended family
Half of all marriages fail and both mine and Rick’s first marriages ended in divorce. We were already the biological parent of two kids each when we met. When we got married, we brought our four children together and blended our family to be six in the city – the Kostecki Kraus family.
Although studies show that 66% of second marriages involving children from previous marriages end. Our new family handled the transition well and we have thrived as a family of six. Check out my post 4 Ingredients to Blending a Happy Family.
For Rick and I, we’ve never considered our kids “his” or “hers”. They have and always will be “ours”. I’m super proud of our blended family as they are all a huge part of what motivates and inspires me to wake up every day and make my good better and my better best. Here is an introduction of the five people that I’m most thankful for to have by my side on the journey through life. We are six in the city – the Kostecki Kraus family.
Ella is our oldest daughter who is 22 years old. She is a senior at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. Ella went to Assumption High school (an all girl’s Catholic high school in Louisville). She is currently studying to sit for the LSAT (Law School Entrance Exam) this month. Ella will graduate in May and has no idea where she will apply to law school. I guess that depends on how well she does on the LSAT! She has the typical older child personality. Ella is stubborn, very independent and self-motivated. She is a natural leader who does not need anyone’s approval nor is she influenced easily. A fun fact about Ella is that she was born with two different color eyes.
Hayden is our only boy and is 20 years old and a junior at Sewanee: The University of the South near Chattanooga, TN. He went to Trinity High school his first two years of HS (an all-boys Catholic HS) and transferred to Kentucky Country Day for his junior and senior year. Hayden plays basketball at the collegiate level and will be representing the Sewanee Tigers for his third year this winter. He is majoring in Psychology with a minor in Business. Hayden is the spitting image of his dad in every way possible (their Senior year book pictures are identical). He is a quiet thinker, super polite and has a very strong work ethic (also just like his dad!) A fun fact about Hayden is last year his collegiate basketball team won the school’s sixth conference championship and they were awarded with championship rings. How cool is that!
Jenna is currently 19 years old. She is a sophomore at the community college here in Louisville (JCTC). Last year she completed her freshman year at Wilmington College where she was on their collegiate Cross Country and Track team as a freshman. Jenna was an Education major but after taking some classes in the field, she decided it wasn’t her calling and has not yet choose another major. She went to Assumption High School. Jenna is sensitive and genuinely compassionate and kind. She is the sweetheart of our family (she is soooper nice). I think she should go into a health-related field because of her empathy and huge heart. Fun fact about Jenna, we created a journal to remember all the funny things Jenna does and says (without meaning to). We call it The Book of Jenna-isms. Example: 7th Grade Jenna (talking to Libby): “Don’t you remember? One was a red head, the other was a brown head and her friend was a yellow head”. Libby: “Do you mean the red head, brunette and the blonde?”
Libby is our youngest daughter and the baby of our family! She just turned 19 years old and is a freshman at Ball State University where she plays Field Hockey for the Cardinals. Libby has no idea what she wants to major in college yet. She also went to Assumption High School and as the youngest child in our family, has the typical traits of the baby. Libby always compromises, is fun-loving and easy going. She also has a wicked sense of humor (just like her dad) and she is hilariously witty and super cute (check out her dimples – I say she gets those from me…ha ha)! Fun fact about Libby, she hates peanut butter.
- Rick is the cornerstone of our family. He is a genuine, level headed, unconditionally loving husband and father. Rick always does the right thing, NO MATTER WHAT. His selfless personality puts others first (especially all four of the kids) and he lives by the motto “put yourself in someone else’s shoes”. He is a role model to all of our kids and I give him 95% of the credit why they are all well adjusted and kindhearted young adults. Rick is as good as they come and the best part is, the kids and I all know it and never want to let him down. Fun fact about Rick is that he swam at Florida State before transferring to the University of Kentucky and he plays the drums in a band called Who’s Hundley.