The past few weeks have been a blur over here. Lots of good stuff happening and many blogs “in the works” but have been too busy to push out any of them. In the past month alone we’ve watched Hayden graduate with his Bachelors, Jenna graduate with her Associates, my sister and her fam came to visit and we celebrated my nephews college graduation AND last weekend the entire family went to Knoxville to celebrate Jenna’s 21st birthday. Whew! With lots of events happening there has been one constant. My straw tote bag! It’s gone everywhere with me.

It’s already one of my summer faves and a go-to bag that fits in anywhere I go or do! I was waiting all spring for someone to put out a perfect summer bag and the Factory delivered This straw tote bag is exactly what I was looking for to go with my “inbetweener” summer style (not young, not old, somewhere in between). It’s great quality, roomy (but not oversized), is comfortable to hold by hand or on the shoulder, has the cutest lining and is just super cute and stylish for anyone young, old or an inbetweener like me! This is a summer style must have!

Love the idea of tote bag-changing bandana (or ribbon or scarf) makes it go with everything. Years ago, I had a similar bag but it had openings in top that you wound scarf or ribbon thru. It was neat to muc/match with outfits-but a pain to take in/out. Love the idea of tying on bandana to change look & coordinate.