The most common question I’m asked is “what do you eat and drink on a low carb or keto diet?” That’s always hard for me to answer because I’m not a “kitchen person” so what I’ve eaten the past year has gotten very repetitive and boring. This is why recently, Rick and I hired a personal chef to cook for us 3 days a week. Chef Travis’s food has brought in a lot of variety, flavor and creativity into our dinner meals while still maintaining our low carb diet restrictions. I’m documenting our experience and the food to share in a future blog. While we are enjoying Chef Travis’s expertise, I’ve had some time free up in my evenings by not having to grocery shop, prep, cook and clean three nights a week (hallelujah). The extra time has allowed me to find and make keto friendly recipes that I can share! My criteria for sharing any recipe on the blog is that it’s really good and super simple (if you know me you already know I’m not a “kitchen person”). That’s the case with this keto frothy drink. It’s one of the easiest throw together keto drinks that has a big bang for the buck because it’s two ingredients, easy to make and really yummy. Not only is it delicious…it’s LESS THAN ONE CARB and is packed with healthy fat so perfect for keto dieters!!

This drink is about as easy as it gets. Just need a glass, a frother (the one I use HERE) and two ingredients. Sparkling Ice and Heavy Whipping Cream. The Ice comes in many flavors and is zero carbs. If you make this frothy drink with the orange ice it tastes exactly like an orange julius drink. Heavy whipping cream is a great keto staple since it provides a healthy fat is is less than 1 gram carb per tablespoon.

This is one of those recipes that I eyeball instead of using exact measurements. For me one drink is using 1/2 the bottle of ice and 1-2 tbls heavy cream then froth those together. The drink will expand while frothing into a creamy whip. Drink immediately as letting it sit will result in separation. ENJOY!

Sounds delicious. Where do you get the sparkling ice?