Since last October I’ve been helping my brother and sister in law with updating their home. So far I’ve helped update and refresh their hallway bathroom HERE, their master bathroom HERE, the family room HERE and master bedroom (not 100% complete so no post yet). Most recently, we finished updating two hallways on the main floor and WOW! With the right paint color choices and adding picture frame moulding the hallway has been transformed! The update compliments the home’s existing design elements and modern traditional décor!

Since Wayne and Suzy are family I’m allowed to give them some flack over the look of their “before” hallway. However, I cannot ride them too hard considering the rag rolling technique was very popular 20 years ago when this was done AND I had the exact baby poo brown paint color in my own office at home for a while. All I can say here is at least they are now updating and getting rid of this outdated and dark hallway. However, If you are reading this and any part of your home is rag rolled or painted in baby poo brown color then please call me ASAP! You probably need a consult to update 911!

What stood out in the BEFORE hallway is how the dark paint did nothing to compliment the existing hardwood floors (they looked dark and muddy). Plus you never want to make an already dark hallway darker! To choose paint you must understand undertone and always take into consideration existing trim and floor color.

I’ve done many room update consults via telephone with pictures and videos. Send me a picture and I’m happy to send you back my thoughts on updating any space. For their hallway, the first picture depicts what I suggested needs to be changed (yes, everything even though I didn’t “x” out the rug – that is going too). The second picture provides more detail of my suggestion of paint color, décor, lighting, etc.
My BIL and SIL never considered picture frame moulding before my suggestion. Like them, most people think picture frame moulding is expensive, custom and labor intensive. Well guess what! WRONG! You can buy pre-fabricated picture frame moulding in many styles and shapes that is easy to install (a savvy DIY’er can do it)! Also, it’s not expensive when you factor in the aesthetic and home resale value you get back for the home improvement. The picture frame moulding used for Wayne and Suzy’s hallway HERE. Found the best price at Amazon. Square style also HERE. Home Depot also carries it HERE, HERE, HERE .

I cannot repeat this enough. Want a cheap and easy way to update any space? Just paint it! Look how the hallway has already been transformed and updated just by paint! I suggested painting the top half of the wall (above the chair rail) Sherwin Williams Shoji White. This color compliments all the existing colors used in the house as well as give some definition to the wall by not making the entire wall one solid color. Shoji white also works really well with honey oak trim and floors. Just look how much better the hard wood floor looks in the after pics compared to the before. Below the chair rail the paint color used was matched to the existing trim and chair rail. The Shoji White paint color is also going to be carried into the kitchen when they are ready to refresh that space.
Picture frame moulding how to DIY

My BIL did the install and all the fancy “math stuff” to figure out how to evenly space the picture frame mouldings up and down the hallways. Personally, this is something I would have probably “eyeballed” had I been doing the install myself (since I’m no math wizard). Fortunately, my BIL is both handy AND a math wizard (he is a member of MENSA so I’m not kidding)!

Once Wayne figured out spacing of the picture frame moulding he spread them along the wall and got ready for installation. Installation requires measuring and leveling. Mark the spot with a pencil and use Liquid Nails for interior projects to attach them to the wall. If your wall is uneven or see gaps you can finish with some white caulking. This was not needed at Wayne & Suzy’s. Also, the moulding did not get painted. However, they can be painted if that is necessary.

Can’t get over this transformation. I mean what a huge bang for the buck! If you forgot scroll back up and look at those before pics again! This easy hallway update with picture frame moulding gives their home a high end feel. It also ties together the modern/traditional cohesive aesthetic we are trying to achieve throughout the entire first floor. Since the hallways are the two main veins throughout the house having this upgrade has probably been the most important.

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Bye dark poo…. hello bright, clean hallways!!!
My SIL is a genius in her own right!! (Not all of us can be in MENSA)
Ha Ha. I’m so happy you love it!